Index to: Quran, The Final Testament

by Dr. Rashad Khalifa

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Gabriel 2:97-98; 19:17; 26:193; 66:4; 97:4

Gain 2:79,174; 3:77,199; 5:44; 9:42,74

Gambling 2:219; 5:90-91

Game 5:94-95


Garlands 5:2,97

Garlic 2:61

Garments (see also Clothes) 7:26-27; 14:50; 16:81; 18:31; 22:19; 24:31; 33:59; 76:21

Gas, nullifies ablution 4:43; 5:6



Gehenna (see also Hell) 11:119; 17:8; 19:68,86; 20:74; 21:29,98; 22:51; 23:103; 25:34,65; 36:63; 40:72

Gems 55:58

Generations of humans 2:66; 3:137; 6:6,98; 7:38,100,169; 17:17,59; 19:59,74,98; 20:51, 128; 23:31,42,81;

Gentiles 3:20,75

Germinating 6:95; 48:29; 71:17

Gift 7:190; 11:108; 19:5; 21:72; 27:35-36; 78:36

Girls 3:36; 4:23,127; 24:33; 43:18; 81:8

Glass 24:35

Glorification 3:41,191; 6:100; 7:143,206; 10:10,18,68; 13:13; 16:1,57; 17:1,44,93; 24:16,36,41; 30:17; 36:36,83;

Glorious, God is 4:171; 9:31; 11:73

Gluttony 7:31

Goats 6:143

GOD (see individual attributes)

Gods 6:19,46,74,81; 16:51; 17:42; 20:88,97; 21:21-24,43,59,62,68,99; 23:91; 25:3; 28:71-72,88

Gog 18:94; 21:96

Gold 3:14,91; 9:34; 18:31; 22:23; 35:33; 43:53,71

Goliath 2:249-251

Gospel 2:89-91; 3:3,48,65,79-80; 5:14-15,46-47,66,68,110; 7:157; 9:30-32,111; 12:30; 48:29; 57:27

Gossip 12:30-31; 24:11-12,15-17; 25:72; 28:55; 49:12


Gracious, God is

Grains 4:124; 6:95,99; 12:58,60,70; 36:33; 50:9; 55:12; 78:15; 80:27

Grantor 3:8; 38:9,35; 40:15

Grapes 2:266; 6:99; 13:4; 16:11.67; 17:91; 18:32; 23:19; 36:34; 78:32; 80:28

Graves 9:84; 22:7; 35:22; 36:51; 54:7; 60:13; 70:43; 79:10; 80:21; 82:4; 100:9; 102:2

Gray, haired 19:4; 30:54; 73:17

Greed 68:13; 74:15

Green 6:99; 12:43,46; 18:31; 22:63; 36:80; 55:76; 76:21

Greeting 4:86; 10:10; 14:23; 24:27,61; 25:75; 33:44; 36:58; 58:8


Groom 2:237


Guarantees 3:97,139; 11:6; 12:107; 16:45; 17:68,69; 19:62; 20:118


Guarding 4:102; 5:108; 13:11; 21:91; 23:5; 66:6,12; 86:4

Guards 6:61; 72:8; 82:10

Guessing 6:116,148; 18:22; 19:34


Guilty 2:178,283; 4:107,140; 6:147; 7:40,84; 9:67; 10:50,82; 15:12; 18:49,53; 19:86; 25:22,31; 27:69; 28:78; 32:12;


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Hadith 6:21,112; 7:185; 10:36; 12:111; 16:104-105; 18:6; 31:6; 39:23; 45:6; 52:34; 68:44; 77:50

Hair 2:196; 5:6; 16:80; 19:4; 20:94; 48:27; 73:17

Hajj 2:158,196-200,203; 3:97; 5:1,95-96; 9:3,19; 22:26-29; 28:27; 48:25-27

Half 2:237; 4:25,176; 73:3,20

Hamaan 28:6,8,38; 29:39; 40:24,36


Happiness 10:64; 11:3,105,108; 16:30,97; 20:130; 25:74; 41:30; 53:43; 57:10; 75:22; 83:24; 92:7

Hardship 2:177,185,282; 3:134,140; 5:6; 7:95; 9:42,120,128; 10:12; 20:2,112; 22:78; 40:31

Harm 2:57,102,222,233; 3:111,174; 5:76; 7:188; 10:18,49; 13:16; 26:73; 28:35; 36:23; 58:10

Harmony 8:63; 30:21

Haroot, and Maroot 2:102

Harvest 2:264; 3:117; 6:141; 12:47; 42:20; 54:31; 68:17

Hatred 3:118; 5:2,8,14,64,91; 7:43; 10:90; 11:89; 15:47; 23:70; 47:37; 59:10; 60:2

Hay 18:45; 39:21; 54:31; 56:65; 57:20; 87:5; 105:5

Healing 3:49; 5:110; 10:57; 16:69; 17:82; 26:80; 38:42; 41:44

Health 16:97; 26:80

Hearer, God is 2:127,137,224; 3:38; 4:134,148; 6:115; 7:200; 8:17,42,53,61; 17:1; 22:75; 29:60; 41:36

Hearing 2:7,20; 6:46; 10:31; 16:78,108; 17:36; 23:78; 32:9; 41:20,22; 45:23; 46:26; 67:23

Hearts 13:28

Heathenism 5:64,68; 9:17; 39:8

Heaven (see also Gardens, Paradise)

Heavens (see also Sky, Universe)

Hebrews see Children of Israel

Heedless 6:157; 10:7,92; 12:105; 21:1,97; 41:51; 44:9; 46:3; 91:15; 107:5

Heels 2:143; 3:144,149; 5:6; 6:71; 8:48; 23:66

Heifer 2:67-73


Hellfire 2:24,175; 22:72; 25:11; 27:90; 28:41; 40:46,72; 41:19,24; 66:6

Help 1:5; 2:45,153,166; 3:91,116; 7:48,53,128,192; 14:22; 21:43; 23:88; 30:29; 31:33; 35:18; 46:26,32; 69:28; 111:2

Helpless 16:76; 40:18; 70:41


winning in 2:130,201; 3:148; 4:74; 6:32; 7:169; 10:64; 12:57,109; 14:27; 42:20

Hermitism 57:27

Hesitation 4:65; 9:45; 24:22; 32:15; 57:14; 59:9

High, God is 2:255; 4:34; 21:22; 22:62; 30:40; 31:30; 37:159; 39:37; 42:4; 43:82; 72:3; 87:1; 92:20

High Heaven 55:10; 56:10

Hoarding 3:157,180; 4:37; 9:34-35; 10:11,58; 43:32; 57:20; 70:18; 102:1,8; 104:2

Holy Land 5:21; 95:3

Holy Spirit (see also Gabriel) 2:87, 253; 5:110; 16:102; 97:4

Homes 2:84,229,243; 3:154,195; 4:15,100; 7:74,78; 8:5,47,72; 9:24,72; 10:87; 15:84; 16:41,68,110; 22:58;

Honesty 4:135; 5:107; 26:107,125,143, 162,178,193; 27:39; 28:26; 44:13,18; 82:11

Honoring, God 48:9

Honey 16:69; 47:15

Hood 7:65-72; 11:50-60,89; 26:123-140

Hoopoe 27:20-24

Hope 5:84; 7:56; 10:22; 13:12; 18:46; 26:51,82; 30:24; 32:16

Horizons 41:53; 53:7; 81:23

Horn 18:99; 20:102; 23:101; 27:87; 36:51; 39:68; 50:20; 69:13; 78:18

Horns, one with two horns 18:83-98

Horses 3:14; 16:8; 17:64; 38:31; 59:6

Hosting 12:59,100; 18:77

Humans, creation of, see Creation

Humbleness 5:54; 12:88; 15:88; 17:24; 21:90; 25:63; 31:19; 52:26; 54:7; 79:19


Hunain 9:25

Hundred 2:259,261; 8:66; 24:2

Hundred thousand 37:147

Hunger 2:155; 16:112; 20:118; 88:7; 106:4

Hunting 5:1-2,94-96; 9:36

Hurricane 17:68

Hurting 3:144; 5:101; 7:177; 9:50,61; 22:13; 33:53; 37:98; 39:38; 49:6; 60:2

Husbands 2:228-230; 4:24,34; 12:25; 24:6,31; 58:1; 60:11

Hypocrisy 9:77,97,101

Hypocrites 2:8; 4:61; 8:49; 9:67,101; 63:1; 3:167; 74:31


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Iblis (see also Satan) 2:34; 7:11; 15:31-32; 17:61; 18:50; 20:116

Ideas, evil 5:48,49,52,77; 6:56; 7:200-201; 20:96

Idol worship

Idol worshipers

Idris 19:56; 21:85

Ignorance 3:154; 4:17; 6:54,108,140; 16:25,119; 33:33,72; 49:6

Ignorant 6:35; 7:199; 9:97; 11:29,46; 12:33,89; 25:63; 28:55

Ignoring 7:176; 28:55; 32:14; 44:14; 46:26; 75:21; 76:27

Illness 2:184-185,196; 4:43,102; 5:6; 9:91; 48:17; 73:20

Illiterates 2:78

Illusion 3:185; 4:120; 6:32; 17:64; 35:40; 57:20

Imams 2:124; 21:73; 28:41; 32:24

Immigration 2:218; 3:195; 8:5-6,72,75; 16:41-42,110; 33:6; 59:8-10

Immortality 7:20; 21:8,34; 56:17; 76:19; 104:3

Imploring 6:40-42,52; 7:55,56,94; 10:12,22; 27:62; 31:32; 35:18; 40:74; 41:49,51; 51:18

Impurity 4:43; 5:6; 33:33

Imran 3:33,35; 66:12


Indulgence, God's 2:64; 4:83; 24:14,21

Infants 2:233; 3:35,46; 5:110; 6:151; 17:24; 22:2,5; 40:67; 65:6; 73:17

Inheritance 2:180-182,233,240; 4:7-14,33,176; 10:14; 19:6; 27:62; 28:5,58; 33:27; 40:53; 43:72

Initiator 2:54,117; 6:14; 35:1; 39:46; 42:11; 59:24

Injeel 48:29; 57:27

Injury 2:196; 5:45


Ink 18:109; 31:27

Innocence 4:112; 12:53; 18:74; 24:26

Insecurity 2:239; 4:83,101; 8:26; 9:28

Inspiration 4:163-164; 6:121; 10:2; 12:109; 16:68; 20:38; 40:15; 41:6; 42:51-52; 46:9; 49:7; 53:4; 58:22

Instinct 4:128; 7:172; 16:68; 30:28,30

Insulting 2:262-264,; 3:111; 33:48,57-60,69; 61:5

Intelligence 2:179,197,269; 3:7,190; 5:100; 12:111; 13:19; 14:52; 15:75; 20:54; 36:62; 38:29,43; 39:9,18,21;

Intentions 2:204,225,235; 3:154; 4:63,81; 5:7,89; 9:107; 33:5,51; 39:7; 42:24

Intercession 2:48,123,254; 19:87; 20:109; 21:28; 34:23; 36:23; 39:44; 43:86; 74:48

Intercourse 2:187,197,222; 4:23,43; 5:6; 33:4; 58:3-4; 70:30


Interpretation 3:7; 7:53; 12:6,21

Intimidation 7:116; 30:60

Intoxicants 2:219; 5:90-91; 16:67; 22:2; 47:15

Intoxication 4:43; 15:72; 22:2; 50:19

Invasion 17:51; 27:34; 33:14; 100:3,5


Investigate 4:94; 49:6


Invoking 3:36; 16:106; 17:11,16; 72:18

Iron 17:50; 18:96; 22:21; 34:10; 57:25

Irony 2:213; 10:93; 43:87

Isaac 2:133,136,140; 3:84; 4:163; 6:84; 11:71; 12:6,38; 14:39; 19:49; 21:72; 29:27; 37:112-113; 38:45

Ismael 2:125,127,133,140; 3:84; 4:163; 6:96; 14:39; 19:54; 21:85; 37:102-108; 38:48

Islam, Abraham's religion (see Abraham)

Israel, see Children of Israel, Jacob,Jews

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